Day 2 Session 1
12:00 - 12:45
Changing operating models and footprints
This session will build on the themes from the keynote address of day one and take a look at the changing models and global footprints of multinational companies that are seen as best in class global customers of strategic sourcing. How are these companies changing their strategies and evolving their delivery models to build resilience into their businesses
- Phil Fersht, CEO of HfS
- Paul Raddon, Head of Global Services Operations at HSBC
- Teoh Teik Lee, Senior Director Centralized Procurement at Jabil
- Joel Walker, Global Head of Corporate Services Procurement at Vodafone
- Feroz Cader, Co-Head of LSEG Technology Sri Lanka
Session 2
12:45 - 13:20
Panel discussion of Enterprise Buyers
A moderated discussion will delve deeper into the challenges faced by enterprises as they continue to grapple with the multitude of changes brought about and brought forward by the global pandemic. But with adversity comes opportunity and our expert panel will share their insights on how they have and will harness the situation to drive positive and permanent change across their strategic sourcing. Learn from those at the vanguard of the industry to better charter your own journeys.
- Phil Fersht, CEO of HfS
- Paul Raddon, Head of Global Services Operations at HSBC
- Teoh Teik Lee, Senior Director Centralized Procurement at Jabil
- Joel Walker, Global Head of Corporate Services Procurement at Vodafone
- Feroz Cader, Co-Head of LSEG Technology Sri Lanka
Networking Break
Session 3
13:50 - 14:35
The Service Providers’ Perspectives
We have had the view of the multinationals that consume technology and business services, but do the views of the providers of these services align to those of their customers? Leaders of the major service providers from around the world will share their views on their own and the industry’s futures. Recruitment companies, real estate players, customer service organisations, as well as traditional IT service providers, will take to the stage to share their rework and even reinvention stories.
- Cheah Kok Hoong, CEO of Cognitive Digital
- Niccolo Spataro, Senior Vice President EMEA and Latin America at NTT Data Services
- Rachid Schmitz, Executive Vice President Sales Ranstad Sourceright EMEA
- Andrew Hallissey, Executive Managing Director - Occupier Services, EMEA at Colliers International
- Justing Anthony, Executive Director at PIKOM & OM
Service Provider Panel discussions
This session will look at how service providers of all sizes and disciplines are recalibrating for resilience – for both themselves and for their customers. For some these are minor pivots for others full sale re-engineering of their traditional business models, leading to the long-awaited advent of service provider 2.0. Learn what the service provider of tomorrow will look like and understand how to better engage with them.
- Cheah Kok Hoong, CEO of Cognitive Digital
- Niccolo Spataro, Senior Vice President EMEA and Latin America at NTT Data Services
- Rachid Schmitz, Executive Vice President Sales Ranstad Sourceright EMEA
- Andrew Hallissey, Executive Managing Director - Occupier Services, EMEA at Colliers International
- Justing Anthony, Executive Director at PIKOM & OM
Closing remarks and what’s next in the Series